Núm. Inv.: PC21_1125_OC23
Nom de l’objecte: punta de fletxa
Material: ferro
Tipus: armament
Tag Archives: republica
Núm. Inv.: PC20_1121_OC23
Nom de l’objecte: ganivet
Material: ferro
Tipus: objecte d’ús quotidià
Núm. Inv.: PC19_2237.6
Nom de l’objecte: ungüentari
Material: ceràmica
Tipus: objecte d’ús quotidià
Núm. Inv.: PC19_1110_OC8
Nom de l’objecte: pilum
Material: ferro
Tipus: armament
Fusaiola amb inscripció
Núm. Inv.: PC13_2130.19
Nom de l’objecte: fusaiola
Material: terracotta
Tipus: eina
Amphora Dressel 1
Inventory number: PC11-2019-2
Name of the object: amphora
Material: ceramic
Production: indeterminate
Type: amphora
Shape: Dressel 1
Dimensions (cm/kg): height: 103; maximum diameter: 30.56; maximum edge diameter: 15.2; tare weight: 18.7
Chronology: mid 2nd C. BC – end 1st C. BC
Survey: July 2011
Provenance: sector 10
Description: Amphoras are ceramic containers used in ancient times to transport and store food. The Dressel 1 shape was the most widely used by the important wine trade market that developed during the late Roman Republic period. This type of amphora was mainly used to transport wine from the grape-growing areas of Tyrrhenian Campania and to the south of Lazio (southwestern Italian Peninsula) to the edges of the Mediterranean. As these containers were important for the quality of the wine, imitations were quickly reproduced in the wine-receiving locations, probably with the aim of confusing the buyers and selling lower quality wines. Often, the copies are so well made that it is difficult to differentiate them from the originals.
Two-handled urn
Inventory number: PC13-2130-5
Name of the object: two-handled urn
Material: ceramic
Production: common
Type: crockery
Shape: indeterminate
Dimensions (cm): height: 21.7; maximum diameter: 15.2; maximum edge diameter: 12
Chronology: late Roman Republic period
Survey: July 2013
Provenance: sector 10
Description: Container designed to contain and transport liquids. The remains of white slip appear to be preserved on the exterior walls, although this has been lost from most of the surface.
Its shape is reminiscent of some of the Catalan slipware urns indigenous to the Emporitan area, although it is smaller and those pieces are not generally found beyond the Maresme and Roussillon plain. The similarity probably stems from common knowledge based around the the Iberian substratum.