Inventory number: PC13-2130-5
Name of the object: two-handled urn
Material: ceramic
Production: common
Type: crockery
Shape: indeterminate
Dimensions (cm): height: 21.7; maximum diameter: 15.2; maximum edge diameter: 12
Chronology: late Roman Republic period
Survey: July 2013
Provenance: sector 10
Description: Container designed to contain and transport liquids. The remains of white slip appear to be preserved on the exterior walls, although this has been lost from most of the surface.
Its shape is reminiscent of some of the Catalan slipware urns indigenous to the Emporitan area, although it is smaller and those pieces are not generally found beyond the Maresme and Roussillon plain. The similarity probably stems from common knowledge based around the the Iberian substratum.
Tag Archives: ceramic
Black burnished ceramic plate from Cales repaired with staples
Inventory number: PC12-2084-120
Name of the object: plate reparaired with lead staples
Material: ceramic
Production: black burnish from Cales.
Type: ware
Shape: Lamb. 5/7.
Dimensions: diametre of 33cm
Chronology: 125-25 BC
Survey: julyl 2012
Provenance: sector 7
Description: Large black glazed plate or dish from Cales. This is an important item of tableware and is of some value. They are considered luxury products imitating the gold, silver or bronze tableware that not everyone could afford.
Geographic Information Systems
In view of the multidisciplinary nature of the Puig Ciutat archaeological project, it was necessary to develop a common platform from which to visualise and interpret the data obtained. In this respect, the platform used was built using the Qgis free software program. Alongside this, the Sig.Arq. program was used to manage the results of the excavations. This program allows you to enter the results of excavations in a spatial data base in a way that is systematic, uniform and georeferenced.
Image: Orthophotograph property of the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya, accessible on
The process of restoring archaeological movable objects begins the moment they are discovered, as the state in which they are found in the subsoil is altered. The aim of acting on archaeological material is to recover the objects’ lost solidity and stabilise all active factors of alteration.
To a large extent, restoring Puig Ciutat has been the work of Eulàlia Ribó and thanks to the availability of the Centre de Restauració de Béns Mobles de Catalunya (CRBMC, Catalan Restoration Centre for Movable Heritage).
Photographs by Ramon Maroto (CRBMC).
Black burnished ceramic pyx from Cales
Inventory number: PC10-2005-3
Name of the object: pyx
Material: ceramic
Production: black burnish from Cales
Type: common ware
Shape: Lamb. 3
Dimensions: height: 4,8 cm. diametre: 8,7 cm
Chronology: 125-25 BC
Survey: july 2010
Provenance: Sector 2
Description: A small pyx with tapered edge and concave sides without a rim and with an annular foot. It has no decoration. For individual use for consuming liquids.
For more information click here
Black burnished ceramic vessel from Cales
Inventory number: PC10-2005-4
Name of the object: small goblet or cup.
Material: ceramic.
Production: black burnish from Cales.
Type: ware
Shape: Lamb. 2
Dimensions: height: 4 cm. diametre: 9,7 cm.
Chronology: 125-25 BC.
Survey: july 2010.
Provenance: sector 2.
Description: Small goblet or tapering cup with concave sides and a marked inflection at the bottom. It shows no decoration. For individual use for consuming liquids.
For more information click here.